yesterday finish my last paper lor~ today really a crazy day~
so many things happen today~
me, Huwi Yee and Kean Aun really gone through a very hard day today~
our plan all mess up and so many things happen~
i think i won't break our secret here~
i just can say that after all things we have been through, time for us to go steamboat~
got things happen again~
we not going to Sunway there using Federal Highway, we using another road~
we go out at about 5.30pm and we book the time at 6.30pm~
but when almost reach, our car is stop by a police and asked us o use another way which
the way is to Bangsar~ =.='''
we have no choice but follow the road.. so we lost again~
so ask Ken and Yee Chern them go first to take the reservation place~
then we have no choice but continue the road then turn back to PJ~
when we reach there, 3 cars already there~
means, Gary, Ken, Yee Chern, Siew Siang and Yong Kiate already there~
actually today we plan to stay at the steamboat there eat until 12am de~
but the plan did not make it also..~
we eat and eat until so full~
then we eat the ice-cream for so many cups, and watermelons~
after that, thought rest awhile then continue eating but all full d and cannot continue liao~
the bill cost RM218.40
we decided to go for mid-night movie~
Ken and Gary are local and they not joining us~
at first Yong Kiate don't want go with us. so Kean Aun fetch him go to his house because
Yong Kiate's motor at his house~ S
iong Kheng, Yee Chern and Siew Siang go to 1U first to buy ticket~
when we reach Kean Aun's house, Yong Kiate found out that his house key at Yee Chern's car~
so no choice, he need to go with us also~
when we reach GSC, we did not saw other 3 people with another car de~
they go to TGV at Old Wing there, swt~
then we buy the movie "Yes Man", 12.30am~
this is the primary show, this movie not bad also ler~
very funny~
after watching, we go to Kean Aun house because their motor are at his house and also hardisk~ then only he take us back~
something happen again when the way back to his house~
his car de oil streak become so low as before we go steamboat, he already fill the oil~
then the whole journey to his house, we so scare that we are running out of oil~
so when reach section 17, we go there fill the petrol~
then only know is the oil streak problem, swt~
after go to his house, then he take me n Huwi Yee back~
back to home already 3am liao~ bath, pack my things because tomorrow going back
butterworth lor~
so happy~
4am sleep~
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