Thursday, November 6, 2008


nOt muCh thiNgs caN Let mE wrIte hEre thIs feW daYs~

today, is MIS miD-teRm~

5 mins, 10 quest, 20 marks~

saD lar.. i haVe prEparE it, but geT veRy lOw~

my prepAratiOn is not eNouGh~

i caNt meMoriSe fill iN the bLaks~

but i gEt 4 qUestioN of fill in the blAnkS~

feeL so sAd n so faN, so deCide go bAck eaRly, duN wAnT go to CN class~

tHis moRniNg, i ReciEved eMail from Maple Software Company~

he aSk me to go bAck hoMetoWn for an iNteRviEw~

aCtUallY theRe is aDvaNtaGes n disAdvaNtagEs workiNg at HomEtoWn n wOrkiNg at heRe~

aDvanTages wOrkiNg at hoMetoWn is i no neeD spEnt so much, coz sTay n eAt also at hoMe~

bEsiDes, theRe is car fOr me to usE to go to woRk~

buT i cant dOne my tHinGs wEll at hoMe~

bcoz of my sis coNdiTion, i m suRe i cAnt b coNCentRate at home~

fan wHole dAy jor~

but fiNallY seTTle jor~

mUm agRee mE worK at Here~

so I will go fOr CSA wheN Mr. Yap cAll me tO geT the offEr lettEr~ ^^