today is the last day of study for this sem, Year 2 Sem 2~
so fast, this sem end d also~
i already been here for one n half year d~
today juz hav OHR class only~
Kean Aun come take me late~
so we reach class is about 8.45am, class start at 8.30am~
when we reach, the class already prepare to dismiss liao~
bcoz he din teach also but ask us to bring all the notes~ =.=
after awhile, Huwi Yee n Sharon only reach~
the time they reach, ppl r leaving liao~
our tutorial class finish on tuesday liao~
so we join T1 n T3 de class~
but also din listen to the tutorial lar~
we juz play the camera at behind bcoz Kean Aun n Huwi Yee bring camera today~
after class, we stay in the class discussing want go where~
but Siong Kheng ask lecturer to take photo~
so we go to level 1 to take the photo coz lecturer said class de view not nice~ =.='''
Kean Aun, me, Huwi Yee and Siong Kheng
stupid actions.. hehe~
after that, Chye Hwee go to her company~
n we sit there discuss where to go next coz really very early lar~
then we plan to go JayaOne again~
Kean Aun go back sentosa there photostat 1st~
then only we go JayaOne~
early plan is Old Town~
but after that, go to Wendys' again~ =.=
3rd time i go there~
1st time is with CN them~
2nd n 3rd is with Kean Aun, Huwi Yee n Siong Kheng lor~
after that, come home~
Steven come back only told me that Calvin, Lee Sim n her sister will mov out at the end of december~
how can i find roommate at so short time + i m in exam n will go back after exam~
how can i find roommate?
so the last plan is, if cant find roommate, will move to Chye Hwee there for 1 sem~
after industrial training, will mov with Kean Aun, Kai Herng, Zi Wei n may b Sharon n Huwi Yee~
dunno, c 1st.. bcoz all this is still an unknown~
n we sit there discuss where to go next coz really very early lar~
then we plan to go JayaOne again~
Kean Aun go back sentosa there photostat 1st~
then only we go JayaOne~
early plan is Old Town~
but after that, go to Wendys' again~ =.=
3rd time i go there~
1st time is with CN them~
2nd n 3rd is with Kean Aun, Huwi Yee n Siong Kheng lor~
after that, come home~
Steven come back only told me that Calvin, Lee Sim n her sister will mov out at the end of december~
how can i find roommate at so short time + i m in exam n will go back after exam~
how can i find roommate?
so the last plan is, if cant find roommate, will move to Chye Hwee there for 1 sem~
after industrial training, will mov with Kean Aun, Kai Herng, Zi Wei n may b Sharon n Huwi Yee~
dunno, c 1st.. bcoz all this is still an unknown~
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