Finally, new semester start.
Long time didn't update my blog already.
First day start new sem, 5 hours break after the first class.
So we went for movie, Terminator Salvation.
The next day, Tuesday, Yap treat us lunch because Weng Woy was last day in CSC.
So we all went to New Paris and had dinner until 2pm.
来张全家福吧~不过少了一些人 ^o^
After lunch, me and Eddie stay awhile in MRC because our class start at 3pm.
Meet Chris that time, he is standby at Philip Morris. Won't come back often.
Didn't think to meet him at office. Took picture with him. Weng Woy also.
Tonight, we had farewell with Weng Woy at Station 1 (Jaya One).
After the dinner, we planed to go for movie.
But some of them didn't join, so just left me, Lucas, Weng Woy, Cheong, Phuah, Kelvin.
We took some picture before the movie start at McD.
Wednesday, there are 2 hours break. So decided go back to MRC again because want take the ticket from Kelvin.
Ong still in office. So ask him to take picture. Hehe..
Since the night before going movie with Weng Woy them until 2pm only reach home, so I very tired and didn't join Huwi Yee birthday party. So sorry ar, Huwi Yee.
But hope you like the present lar.. Hehe..
New Sem, but still didn't have mood to start study yet.
Charm lor..
Wish can get my study mood as soon as possible.
This semester will be a very tough semester for me.
so do i .. though sem > <
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